About Us
Hoof trimming plays an important and preventative role in maintaining hoof health. An integral part of AR-PE’s mission in holistic hoof health is to treat and prevent lameness in cattle with curative trimming since AR-PE was founded in 1995. By incorporating AR-PE’s state of the art hydraulic elevator hoof trimming machine, we are able to focus our attention in creating a comfortable and stress-free environment in order to treat the hoof. We also provide customized trimming records that enable us to consult with cattle owners and provide statistics on current and future visits regarding cattle that have been trimmed.
We also provide foot bath regimes, trimming schedules, and dealing with other related hoof issues as they arise for our customer.
Both on-farm and professional hoof trimmers at AR-PE are trained in proper hoof trimming techniques and are periodically re-evaluated to ensure proper techniques are being continually followed.
As a proud member of Hoof Trimmers Association Inc. AR-PE has the opportunity to promote quality trimming and be an industry leader in educating fellow hoof trimmers on the importance of hoof health.
A healthy cow is a productive cow, therefore AR-PE’s team of professional hoof trimmers will extend their services by visiting on-location, in order to provide our customers with the support they need in order to prevent greater incidence of lameness.